Thursday, April 17, 2008

A joke for the day.

I thought I would start posting some of the daily things that crack me up. Most of these things come from the mouths of my boys (Ron, Luke and Kyle). They are truly the funniest people I know and if you could only see us in public when they get going, it's quite a sight. I've almost died a couple times from uncontrollabley laughing with food in my mouth and I'm sure most people observing us think we are crazy. (Which we are so who cares what they think.) So I started thinking the other day that I should start writing some of these things down. Of course I forgot what was so funny that day that would make me think that, but I'm sure one night at around 4:36 am it will come flooding back to me. Anyway, to get this long line of what I'm sure will be endless posts started, I thought I would share a joke with everyone that Kyle told us the other day in the car on the way to Tulsa. It went something like this:

Kyle: How many football players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Me: I don't know, how many?
Kyle: 100. 1 to hold the lightbulb and 99 to spin the house.
Me: (Unable to speak because I'm hysterically laughing)

Now I know that joke isn't all that funny, but trust me living with an 11 year old and an 8 year old, it was pretty good in comparison. So enjoy your joke of the day and be sure to share it with everyone you know:)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ok, ok I know I said....

I know I said I would post some pics from Colorado and other stuff soon, and I do intend to do that (as soon as I find my camera cord) but I do have a few pics of Emma ready to go in my phone. So you all get to enjoy! Emma and I had a rough day at work (and school) the other day so we decided to go outside and chill for a bit. Ok so maybe my day was a little worse than Emma's but I'm sure she missed me a bunch, right?? Anyway, I got some cute shots of her checking everything out on the street. She's almost 11 months now and she is growing up way too fast! She's walking and talking and I can't stand how stinking cute she is when she does either one. I will try to get some video up soon of her walking and talking (again I need to find the cord to charge the camera) so you all can check her out. If you can't wait for my disappearing cords to show up and you want to come watch Emma firsthand, give me a call and I'll schedule you an appointment ;)