Anyway, I thought I would post really quickly and let you all in on how my V-day went down. Usually Ron sends me a beautiful arrangement of flowers to work so all the ladies can drool over them, but this year I kind of got in the way of those plans. *Sidenote on this one-does anyone else think it's weird that we want our husbands/boyfriends to send us our V-day presents to work even a day early if necessary, just so the other girls can see it? I do. I mean let's just get it out there, we all want our present to be better than the others right? But at the same time, I love the girls I work with and I would never want to make them feel bad about what they did or didn't get. Weird. Ok back on topic...
Before I go into this story let me just say that I am not one of those girls who says "I hate getting flowers or roses" or "I would rather get something else" and then gets upset when they don't get flowers or roses. I do love flowers of all sorts, even carnations, and there was a time in my life when I loved getting them more than anything. But lets face it people, I've been there and done that quite a few times now. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or I just have so much other stuff I could use the money for, but I really didn't want flowers this year. So all that to say this. I was on the BOK website balancing the checkbook when I saw a charge for flowers that was about to go through. I called Ron and told him to cancel it. Of course he was like cancel what? I tried as politely as I could to tell him that I would much rather him clean the house or do the dishes or take the kids away for two weeks while I catch up on everything. Those are the sort of things I'm into these days. After some gentle nudging, I convinced him to cancel the order and I told him I loved him for the thought, but really any of those other things would be acceptable. Ok maybe two weeks is a little much for taking the kids away. I mean I'm sure I'd miss them after the first 10 days or so, right? ")
Anyhoo, last Friday Ron was off work and had to run some errands and I really wasn't thinking much about Valentimes day anymore. (Oh I should probably mention I had the worst week in the history of worst weeks at my job last week. So getting to Friday was really all I had on my mind. That and a nice bottle of wine.) Ron came to pick me up for lunch and you will never guess what he had. Nope not flowers.
He made, yes I said MADE, chocolate covered strawberries and brought them to me at work! Oh it was the best gift ever. They were so yummy and instead of drooling over flowers the girls got to share some strawberries with me. So I'm going to have to say after fifteen years Ron still found a way to out do himself. Way to go honey! I love you and I'm glad you're mine!