Friday, March 6, 2009


So everyone knows I got a new camera for Christmas and I'm sure everyone thought that meant I would be posting all sorts of fancy pictures on here. Yeah, me too. I don't know why but it is really hard for me to set time aside to post anything. I'm working on it people.

Anyway, I got my first photoshopping software a few weeks ago. I didn't get Photoshop CS-whatever in it's entirety, but instead I got Photoshop Elements. Let me be very honest here it is still too confusing for me and it's very basic compared to Photoshop. Baby steps people, baby steps.

I had this picture of Emma that I took earlier this year when I first got my camera. I thought it was a pretty good picture except Emma had a little "friend" hanging from her nose. Here is what the shot looked like originally:

So I started messing around with this picture on Elements and this is the picture after:

It's not a huge change, but I think the picture looks a lot better. The color is better and it looks more "crisp" and Emma's "friend" is gone. I know I have a lot to learn and I really need to sit down and spend some time figuring all this stuff out. It's a start though.

I have all sorts of other pictures I need to post soon. I've had TWO new additions to the family. I have a new niece Madelyn Jane and a new cousin Marlee Dawn. I will try to get their pictures up this weekend because they are BEAUTIFUL and I can't wait to show them off.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the gorgeous weather! Love ya!